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BASIC Source File
92 lines
Attribute VB_Name = "modWebPack"
'* By Jared Conway *
'* October 19, 99 *
'* Written for fun *
'* and my own use. *
'WARNING! This code is distributed FOR FREE on the internet and
'is not to be sold or used for any other form of monetary gain!
'It is made for educational purposes ONLY! You can get the most
'recent version of this program and source code and many other
'programs I have made at members.home.net/jared2k
'Offline browsing, scheduling automatic browsing with TaskScheduler,
'skinning and user controlled color changing, AutoFill for addresses,
'site filtering (for adult content), tips, online help, ability
'to add favorites while at the site with one click
'structure used to handle favorites
Type cFavorite
URL As String * 50
Title As String * 12
End Type
'structure used to handle options
Type cOptions
StartURL As String * 50 'starting url when browser launched
Home1URL As String * 50 'left click home site
Home2URL As String * 50 'right click home site
SearchURL As String * 50 'search url
ShowPaths As Integer 'display path in address bar? 1 yes, 0 no
End Type
Global bHasOptionsChanged As Boolean 'used if options have changed
Global bHasChanged As Boolean 'used if favorites have changed
Global Options As cOptions 'global instance of options
Global Fav As cFavorite 'global instance of favorites
Public Sub gRefreshOptions()
'open the options file and load them into memory
Open App.Path & "\options.web" For Random As #1 Len = Len(Options)
Get #1, 1, Options
Close #1
'display the options we loaded on the screen
If RTrim(Options.StartURL) = "-" Then RTrim(Options.StartURL) = ""
frmOptions.txtStartingURL.Text = RTrim(Options.StartURL)
frmOptions.txtHome1URL.Text = RTrim(Options.Home1URL)
frmOptions.txtHome2URL.Text = RTrim(Options.Home2URL)
frmOptions.txtSearchURL.Text = RTrim(Options.SearchURL)
If Options.ShowPaths = 1 Then
frmOptions.chkShowPaths.Value = 1
frmOptions.chkShowPaths.Value = 0
End If
'set options to not have changed (filling in the above would
'trick the timer into enabling the save button even though
'it should not be enabled
bHasOptionsChanged = False
End Sub
Public Sub gLoadFavorites()
'open the favorites file and display them to the screen
Open App.Path & "\favorites.web" For Random As #1 Len = Len(Fav)
For X = 1 To 10
Get #1, X, Fav
frmMain.lblLink1(X - 1).Caption = RTrim(Fav.Title)
Next X
Close #1
End Sub
Public Sub gRefreshFavorites()
'open favorites file and load them on the screen
Open App.Path & "\favorites.web" For Random As #1 Len = Len(Fav)
For X = 1 To 10
Get #1, X, Fav
frmFav.txtLink(X - 1).Text = RTrim(Fav.URL)
frmFav.txtTitle(X - 1).Text = RTrim(Fav.Title)
Next X
Close #1
'set changed to false
bHasChanged = False
'disable the save button until something changes
frmFav.cmdSave.Enabled = False
End Sub
Public Sub errHandler()
'global error handler that prevents the browser from crashes
Exit Sub
End Sub